“Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”

Di seguito pubblichiamo l’invito di  Youth for Human Rights International
ai giovani sensibili al tema dei diritti umani e che vogliano partecipare al 15th annual International Human Rights Summit  che siterrà il  5 -6 Luglio 2018 a New York

“Dear Atidu,
Youth for Human Rights International will be holding its 15th annual International Human Rights Summit on July 5th and 6th, 2018 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and it continues on July 7th in Harlem, New York. We are calling on young people to represent their countries as part of the Summit Youth Program, as well as inviting attendees from all walks of life who are passionate about the importance of human rights education.
Join officials and advocates from around the world who work for equality and justice through human rights education. Hear from youth and adult human rights champions. Collaborate with other passionate young men and women to make human rights a global reality. Establish international partnerships and friendships with delegates from more than 60 countries across the planet who share your commitment to human rights.”

